Here at Offertail.Com, we honor our consumers’ concern about their privacy. We follow standard basic principles. Please follow the below guideline for your better understanding and acknowledgment regarding what we collect from our visitors and how we protect their privacy.

What we collect?
We only collect information from you when you register on our site, subscribe to the newsletter, fill out a form or comment on the site. Offertail.Com, like most websites, collect non-personally-identifying information, which web browsers and servers typically allows. Like browser type, language preference, referring sites and date and time of each visitor request.

How we use your information?
Information we retrieve from you might be used as one of the following ways or all of them:

  • Make your experience more personalized
  • Improve our website to become more user-friendly
  • Improve consumer service
  • Send e-mails to let you know about latest coupons and offers as per your choice, or in return for your query.

Are your information protected?
The answer to the question is a big Yes. Offertail.Com uses state of the art security measures to maintain the safety and security of the information you provide.

Yes. We use cookies to improve the user-friendly experience we use cookies. Along with that Google, being a 3rd party ads vendor uses cookies to show ads on our website.

Do we share information?
Offertail.Com only discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-non-identifying information to those of its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations who (i) requires knowing the required information to process it on Offertail.Com’s behalf to provide services available at Offertail.Com and (ii) that agreed not to disclose it to others.

Offertail.Com does not participate in any selling or trading activities or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally-identifiable information.

Change of Privacy Policy: If there’s any change of any part or full privacy policy of our site, will be posted here along with a notification mail will be sent to you via e-mail.

By using our site, we are having your consent to our privacy policy. Please consider visiting our Disclaimer page as well.

Any query? Feel free to ask at